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Spring Fed Family Farms and Partner Producer Protocols

When you purchase from us you can be sure every animal was raised in a way that honors the nature of the animal, regenerates the environment, and nourishes you and your loved ones.

GMO, Corn, and Soy Free

Along with ample forage, non-ruminant animals are supplemented with a non-gmo corn and soy free feed. Instead of using corn and soy the feed is a peanut meal milo base. While is costs significantly more than conventional feeds on the market, we truly believe you aren't what you eat, but what you eat eats. Because of this, we will do the extra work to aquire and spend the extra money to ensure the highest quality and healthiest animal products on the market.

No Hormones, Steroids, or Antibiotics

Because animals are pasture and forest raised, rotationally grazed, have a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients from native forages, the use of antibiotics is unnecessary in our context. We will only give a shot to save a life, in the rare case that would occur, the animal would be removed from production and never see a customers plate. The use of hormones and steroids in pork and poultry production is illegal according to the FDA. We take it a step further and never use any growth stimulants in any of our animals.

Vaccine Free Herds

No vaccines whatsoever including mRNA vaccines are used in our animal production. Most consumers are unaware that even Certified Organic operations allow vaccine use. You won't find that here. Instead of relying on vaccines we breed for resilience, only keeping breeders who can produce healthy offspring without the use of a vaccination protocol. Through proper breeding selection we have negated the use of even Farrowsure Gold B in our hog production.

Ethically Raised

Animal well-fare is at the forefront of our growing practices. Animals raised in confinement are constantly excreting stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Those hormones are then present in the meat we are eating and we wonder why we are so stressed out? The reality is people are going to eat meat, our job here at Spring Fed Family Farms along with our partner producers is to offer a product that differs from the conventional model. Every animal we raise is one that is saved from the hell that is factory farming and experiences a life that honors that animals true nature. Plus, happy pigs make better bacon.

Regenerative and Sustainable

We are committed to regenerative farming practices because we know that is the only way to sustainably produce food for our local communities. At it's core, regenerative agriculture is about addition: adding organic matter to the soil, adding biodiversity instead of monoculture, adding wildlife back into ecosystems as native plant species thrive and habitats are restored. While no two farms are alike and therefore the regenerative practices applicable to their context will vary, keeping the "additive" mindset as our compass ensures our farms will be restoring and regenerating their environment rather than depleting it.

Pasture and Forest Raised

Animals are raised in open pastures and forest, never subjected to confinement. This approach guarantees that they enjoy plenty of enrichment, have space to roam and run freely, and can fully express their natural behaviors. Unlike sows in CAFO operations who are confined to a 2x6 metal cage, our sows free farrow in the woods where they choose to build their nests and deliver their piglets.

Partner Producers

  • Big Grass Beef

    Big Grass Beef

    The Story of Big Grass Beef

    Austin Blenden is a fifth generation Oklahoma rancher, and the proud owner of Big Grass Beef. Growing up, Austin spent most of his childhood on his family’s ranch, learning the ins and outs of ranching and cattle care. He knew from a young age that he wanted to continue the family tradition and become a rancher himself. 

    After leaving college, Austin worked in custom cattle care for a few years, working tirelessly to learn everything he could about the industry. It was during this time that he discovered his passion for grass-fed beef. He saw firsthand the difference in quality and taste that grass-fed beef offered, compared to grain-fed. 
    Austin became deeply committed to the idea of sustainable ranching and believed that grass-fed beef was the way to achieve it. He spent years researching and experimenting with different grasses and cattle genetics to find the perfect combination to produce the optimal marbling and taste in his beef.  
    As his business grew, Austin began working closely with local butchers, ensuring that every cut of meat was of the highest quality. He also started selling his grass-fed beef at local farmers markets, where he quickly gained a loyal following. His customers soon became more than just clients; they became like family and friends. 
    The idea for his company’s name, Big Grass Beef, came from the Tall Grass Prairie Preserve, which is located near his family's ranch. Austin felt a deep connection to the land and the history of the area, and he wanted his brand to reflect that. 
    Today, Austin is involved in the three largest farmers markets in Oklahoma, and he hopes to one day open up his own brick and mortar store. He remains committed to sustainable ranching and is always looking for new ways to improve his operation. For Austin, raising grass-fed cattle is more than just a business; it's a way of life. 

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  • Mauch Family Farms

    Mauch Family Farms

    Charlie and Stacey Mauch, along with their three boys, farm over 600 acres in Chandler, Oklahoma. Their farm has been in operation since being homesteaded in 18696. Their goal is to provide fresh food for their family, friends, and neighbors. They grow a large variety of produce in their fields and hoop houses including: tomatoes, carrots, lettuces, herbs, radishes, beets, jalapenos, sweet pepper, squash, zucchini, cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, and much more. 

    Plasticulture is implemented for weed control and they strive to implement permaculture practices along with their safe handling food practices throughout their farm. 

    An important part of their farm is the chickens! The chickens are pasture raised, free range, and moved regularly to fresh forage. Their chickens get an additional diet of grains farmed and milled right there from the farm and any leftover produce. They are very pampered ladies! 

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